Current Standings
Player |
Points Total |
Comments |
Dashriprock |
30 |
Death List |
Last known status |
Pope John Paul II |
Alive |
HRH The Queen Mother |
Dead |
Died Mar 30th 2002 |
Bob Hope |
Dead |
Died July 28th 2003 |
Ronald Reagan |
Alive |
Osama bin Laden |
Alive |
Katherine Hepburn |
Dead |
Died June 29th 2003 |
Muhammad Ali |
Alive |
Bridgette Bardot |
Alive |
Sir Patrick Moore |
Alive |
None |
Alive |
Tragedy Picks |
Last known status |
Steffi Graf |
Alive |
Robert Downey Jr |
Alive |
P Diddy |
Alive |
The Queen Mother Stakes |
may 12th 2002 |
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