Current Standings
Player |
Points Total |
Comments |
Kizz of Death |
20 |
Death List |
Last known status |
Osama bin Laden |
Alive |
Jack Klugman |
Alive |
Richard Pryor |
Alive |
Chuck Berry |
Alive |
Liz Taylor |
Alive |
Bob Hope |
Dead |
Died July 28th 2003 |
June Allison |
Alive |
Joan Collins |
Alive |
Johnny Cash |
Dead |
Died Sept 12th 2003 |
Kirk Douglas |
Alive |
Tragedy Picks |
Last known status |
Tom Cruise |
Alive |
Michael Schumacher |
Alive |
Britney Spears |
Alive |
The Queen Mother Stakes |
Jul 25th 2002 |
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