Current Standings
Player |
Points Total |
Comments |
Patrick Bateman |
30 |
Death List |
Last known status |
Boris Yeltsin |
Alive |
Kenneth Wolstenholme |
Dead |
Died Mar 26th 2002 |
Spike Milligan |
Dead |
Died Feb 27th 2002 |
Osama bin Laden |
Alive |
Ray Reardon |
Alive |
Patrick Moore |
Alive |
Peter "Genial Harry Grout" Vaughan |
Alive |
Princess Margaret |
Dead |
Died 9th Feb 2002 |
Margaret Thatcher |
Alive |
Here’s hoping ! |
Sir John Mills |
Alive |
Ronald Reagan |
Alive |
Ronald Biggs |
Alive |
Nelson Mandela |
Alive |
Tragedy Picks |
Last known status |
Mariah Carey |
Alive |
Robbie Williams |
Alive |
Eminem |
Alive |
The Queen Mother Stakes |
October 15th 2002 |
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