Who's Who in the Dead Pool
An alphabetical listing of all the contenders
"If you're not on the list... you're NOBODY!"
"Hurry up and die, you bastards!"
- Abbott, Russ
- Adair, Red
- Adams, Helen
- Affleck, Ben
- Aiello, Danny
- Aldrin, Buzz
- Alessi, Jean
- Alexander, Jean
- Al-Fayed, Mohammed
- Ali, Mohammed
- Allison, Malcolm
- Allison, June
- Amanpour, Christian
- Amin, Idi Died Aug 16th 2003
- Anderson, Louie
- Andrews, Julie
- Andrews, Patty
- Aniston, Jennifer
- Ant, Adam
- Ant and Dec
- Apple, Fiona
- Arafat, Yasser
- Archer, "Lord" Jeffrey
- Arthur, Bea
- Asner, Ed
- Atkins, Robert Died Apr 17th 2003
- Attenborough, Richard
- B, Miss
- Bacall, Lauren
- Bacharach, Burt
- Bainbridge, Beryl
- Baio, Scott
- Baker, Richard
- Ball, Zoe
- Bannister, Sir Roger
- Bardon, John "Jim Branning"
- Bardot, Bridgette
- Barishnikov, Mikhail
- Barker, Ronnie
- Barrett, Syd
- Barrichello, Rubens
- Barrymore, Drew
- Barrymore, Michael
- Bastard, Ol' Dirty
- Bates, Ken
- Beckham, David
- Beckham, Victoria "Skeletor"
- Bell, Mary Hayley
- Benn, Tony
- Bennett, Hywel (extra points if his "percy" is involved)
- Bennett, Tony
- Berle, Milton Died Mar 27th 2002
- Berry, Chuck
- Best, George
- Biggs, Ronnie
- bin Laden, Osama
- Bird, Dickie
- Black, Cilla
- Black, Jack
- Black, Shirley Temple
- Blaine, David
- Blair, Tony
- Blassie, Freddie
- Bleeth, Yasmin
- Blessed, Brian
- Blink 182
- Bloodvessel, Buster
- Bocelli, Andrea
- Bono
- Borgnine, Ernest
- Botham, Ian
- Bowyer, Lee
- Boyd, Brandon
- Brady, Ian
- Brady, Sarah
- Brando, Marlon
- Brandy
- Briars, Richard
- Bridges, Todd
- Brimley, Wilford
- Bronson, Charles Died August 30th 2003
- Brooks, Mel
- Brown, Bobby
- Brown, James "Godfather of Soul"
- Brown, June
- Brown, Mel
- Brown, Roy "Chubby"
- Buck, Jack
- Bullock, Sandra
- Bunton, Emma
- Bush, Barbara
- Bush, George Snr
- Bush, George W
- Button, Jensen
- Bygraves "Ling a long a" Max
- Callaghan, James
- Campbell, Menzies
- Campbell, Naomi "What do you call a bird with a long neck?"
- Campbell, Neve
- Campbell, Sol
- Carey, Mariah
- Carney, Art Died Nov 9th 2003
- Carrey, Jim
- Carson, Johnny
- Carter, Jimmy
- Casablancas, Julian
- Cash, Johnny Died Sept 12th 2003
- Castle, Barbara Died May 4th 2002
- Castro, Fidel
- Cave, Nick
- Chalmers, Judith (extra points if skin cancer)
- Chan, Jackie
- Channing, Carole
- Charles, Ray
- Cheney, Dick
- Cher
- Child, Julia
- Chisholm, Mel
- Church, Charlotte
- Clapton, Eric
- Clark, Dick
- Clarke, Arthur C
- Cleese, John
- Clooney, Rosemary Died Jun 30th 2002
- Clough, Brian
- Coburn, James Died Nov 19th 2002
- Cole, George
- Coleman, Gary
- Coltraine, Robbie
- Connery, Sean
- Connolly, Billy
- Cooke, Alistair
- Cooper, Alice
- Corbett, Ronnie
- Costner, Kevin
- Cotton, Fran
- Coulthard, David
- Cousins, Robin
- Cox, Courtney
- Cronkite, Walter
- Cronyn, Hume --- who????
- Crosby, David
- Cruise, Tom
- Cruz, Penelope
- Culkin, McCauley
- Curtis, Tony
- Dalai Lama, The
- Danesh, Darius
- Dangerfield, Rodney
- Daniels, Anthony
- Daniel, Paul "Now that's magic!"
- Davidson, Jim "Tory C***"
- Dawson, Robert
- Day, Doris
- Deedes, Lord Bill
- de Havilland
- DeLonge, Tom
- Depp, Johnny
- Dench, Dame Judi
- Detorri, Frankie
- di Caprio, Leonardo
- Dick, Andy
- Diller, Phyllis
- Diddy, P
- Distel, Sacha
- Doggy Dogg, Snoop
- Dole, Bob
- D'Oliveira, Basil
- Dolly the Sheep Died Feb 2003
- Donovan, Jason
- Doonican, Val
- Douglas, Kirk
- Douglas, Michael (in a shagged to death by Zeta-Jones scenario)
- Downey, Robert Jr
- Drake, Charlie
- Driver, Minnie
- Duffy, Keith out of Boyzone
- Dunn, Clive
- Dunst, Kirsten
- Duvall, Robert
- Dylan, Bob
- Earnhardt, Dale Jr
- Eastwood, Clint
- Ebsen, Buddy Died July 5th 2003
- Edwards, Blake
- Edwards, Eddie "The Eagle"
- Ekberg, Anita
- Elphick, Michael Died 9th Sept 2002
- Emin, Tracy
- Eminem
- Estelle, Don Died 2nd August 2003
- Evans, Billie "Chazbaps"
- Evans, Chris
- Falk, Peter
- Fallon, Kieran
- Farnswoth, Richard
- Feltz, Vanessa
- Ferguson, Sir Alex
- Ferguson, Sarah
- Ferrel, Perry
- Finney, Tom
- Flockhart, Calista
- Fogarty, Carl
- Foot, Michael
- Ford, Gerald
- Forsyth, Bruce
- Fowler, Robbie
- Fox, Michael J
- Franklin, Aretha
- Franklin, Gretchen
- Fraser, "Mad" Frankie
- Freeman, Alan "Fluff"
- Friel, Anna
- Frost, David
- Funicello, Annette
- Gabor, Zsa Zsa
- Gaffney, Dean
- Gallagher, Liam
- Garner, James
- Gascoigne, Bamber
- Gascoigne, Paul
- Gates, Bill
- Gavin, Diarmuid
- Getty, Estelle
- Getty, John Paul Died 17th Apr 2003
- Gibb, Maurice Died 12th Jan 2003
- Gillespie, Bobby
- Goatboy, Rev H - who may or may not be someone famous
- Goodman, John
- Gorbachev, Mikhail
- Gordon, Jeff
- Gotti, John Died Jun 10th 2002
- Graf, Steffi
- Graham, Billy
- Gray, David
- Greaves, Jimmy
- Gregory, James
- Gudmundsdottir, Bjork
- Guiliani, Rudy
- "H"
- Hagman, Larry
- Hakkinen, Mika
- Halliwell, Geri
- Hampton, Lionel
- Harris, Richard Died 25th October 2002
- Harris, Rolf "can y'tell what it is yet?"
- Hart, Tony
- Harvey, Brian
- Harvey, Paul
- Hattersley, Roy
- Haughey, Charles
- Havel, Vaclav
- Hawking, Professor Stephen
- Headly, Glenne
- Healey, Dennis
- Heath, Edward
- Heche, Anne
- Hefner, Hugh
- Hendry, Stephen
- Henman, Tim
- Henry, Lenny
- Hepburn, Katherine Died June 29th 2003
- Heron, Gil Scott
- Heseltine, Michael
- Heyerdahl, Thor Died Apr 18th 2002
- Heyward, Nick
- Higgins, Alex "Hurricane"
- Hillary, Sir Edmund
- Hindley, Myra Died 15th Nov 2002
- Hird, Dame Thora Died 15th Mar 2003
- Hoad, Lou
- Hogan, Hulk
- Holm, Ian
- Hope, Bob Died July 28th 2003
- Horne, Lena
- Hoskins, Bob
- Houllier, Gerard
- Housel, Tracy Died Mar 13th 2002
- Houston, Whitney
- Howe, Gordie
- Hudd, Roy
- Hughes, Emlyn
- Humphries, Barry "Dame Edna"
- Hurley, Liz
- Hurst, Geoff
- Hurt, John
- Hussein, Nasser
- Hussein, Saddam
- Idle, Eric
- Imbruglia, Natalie
- Inman, John "I'm free!"
- Irvine, Eddie
- Irvine, Johnny
- Irwin, Steve "Crocodile Hunter"
- Jacobs, David
- Jackson, Michael
- Jagger, Mick
- James, PD
- Jason, David
- Jennings, Waylon Died 14th Feb 2002
- John, Elton
- Johnson, Holly
- Johnson, Lady Bird
- Johnson, Magic
- Johnson, Ulrika-ka-ka
- Jolie, Angelina
- Jones, Jack
- Jones, James Earl
- Jones, Kelly
- Jones, Tom
- Jordan
- Junkin, John
- Karadzic, Radovan
- Karzai, Hamid
- Kay, Jay
- Keating, Ronan
- Keel, Howard
- Keeshen, Bob
- Kendall, Kenneth
- Kennedy, Edward
- Kennedy-Scholssberg, Caroline
- Kensit, Patsy
- Kerr, Deborah
- Kerr, Jim "Wan"
- Keverkian, Jack
- Kidder, Margot
- Kidman, Nicole
- King Abdullah II of Jordan
- King, Billie Jean
- King Fahd of Saudi Arabia
- King, Jonathan -- the filthy old perve
- King, Larry
- Kinnock, Neil
- Kirkbride, Anne
- Kissinger, Henry
- Klein, Calvin
- Klugmann, Jack
- Knevil, Evel
- Knevil, Robbie
- Knight, Shug
- Knotts, Don
- Knoxville, Johnny
- Koch, Mayor Ed
- Kournikova, Anna
- Kramer, Larry
- Laine, Frankie
- Lansbury, Angela (extra points if bumped off in a Murder She Wrote stylee)
- La Rue, Danny
- Latchford-Evans, Lee
- Lauder, Estee
- Lawson, Nigel
- Lee, Christopher
- Lee, Peggy Died 22nd Jan 2002
- Lee, Tommy
- Lemmy
- Letterman, David
- Lewis, Al
- Lewis, Jerry
- Lewis, Jerry Lee
- Limbaugh, Rush
- Lipman, Maureen
- Livingstone, Ken
- Longthorne, Joe
- Lopes, Lisa "Left Eye" Died 28th Apr 2002
- Lopez, Jennifer
- Love, Courtney
- Lucas, George
- Luganis, Greg
- Lydon, John (Johnny Rotten)
- Lynham, Des
- Lynn, Dame Vera
- MacArthur, Ellen
- MacCutcheon, Martine
- MacGowan, Shane
- MacLaine, Shirley
- Madeley, Richard
- Madoc, Philip
- Madonna
- Maguire, Adrian
- Mailer, Norman
- Mandela, Nelson
- Manning, Bernard
- Manson, Marilyn
- Maradona, Diego
- Marceau, Marcel
- Marcos, Imelda
- Marks, Howard
- Marlin, Sterling
- Martin, Sir George
- Martin, Ricky
- Mason, Jackie
- Matthews, Cerys
- Matthews, Meg
- Mayall, Rik
- Maynard, Bill "Greengrass"
- McCartney, Paul -- dead since 1966 if you believe the rumours
- McCauneghay, Matthew
- McClean A J
- McCormack, Kenny -- who must die and blimmin' well stay dead
- McGee, Debbie
- McKay, John
- McKellen, Sir Ian
- McLaren, Bill
- McMahon, Ed
- McNish, Alan
- Midler, Bette
- Milano, Alyssa
- Miller, Arthur
- Millichip, Bert Died Dec 18th 2002
- Milligan, Spike Died Feb 27th 2002
- Mills, Sir John
- Milosevic, Slobodan
- Minelli, Liza
- Minogue, Kylie
- Moore, Dudley Died Mar 27th 2002
- Moore, Sir Patrick
- Moore, Roger
- Morgan, Harry
- Morgan, Piers
- Mortimer, John
- Moss, Kate
- Mott, Ruth
- Mugabe, Robert
- Musharraf, President Pervez
- Nicholson, Jack
- Nielson, Leslie
- Nelson, Willie
- Neutrino
- Newman, Paul
- NME, The
- Norden, Dennis
- O'Brien, Richard
- O'Connor, Sinead
- O'Grady, Paul "Lilly Savage"
- O'Neill, Ryan
- O'Sullivan, Peter
- O'Toole, Peter
- Ocean, Billy
- Oddie, Bill
- Ogilvy, Sir Angus
- Oliver, Jamie "Fat Tongue"
- Omar, Mullah
- Orange, Jason
- Osbourne, Ozzy
- Packer, Kerry
- Page, Jimmy
- Painting, Norman
- Paisley, "Rev" Ian
- Palance, Jack
- Palin, Michael
- Palmer, Arnold
- Palmer-Tompkinson, Tara
- Parfitt, Rick
- Parker-Bowles, Camilla
- Parkinson, Michael
- Pasquale, Joe
- Pastrana, Andres
- Paul, Les
- Pavarotti, Luciano "You fat bastard!"
- Peck, Gregory Died June 12th 2003
- Pele
- Perry, Matthew
- Phillips, Leslie
- Piggott, Lester
- Pinochet, Augusto
- Pitt, Brad
- Phillips, Zara
- Ponti, Carlo
- Pop, Iggy
- Pope John Paul II
- Pretty, Diane Died 13th May 2002
- Prince Andrew, Duke of York
- Prince Claus of the Netherlands Died 6th Oct 2002
- Prince Harry
- Prince Phillip
- Prince Rainier of Monaco
- Prince William
- Princess Alice of Gloucester
- Princess Anne
- Princess Juliana of the Netherlands
- Princess Margaret Died 9th Feb 2002
- Pryor, Richard
- Qadaffi, Col. Mu'ammar
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Died 30th Mar 2002
- Radcliffe, Daniel
- Randall, Tony
- Rather, Dan
- Rawls, Dan
- Raynor, Claire
- Reagan, Nancy
- Reagan, Ronald
- Reardon, Ray
- Reeve, Christopher
- Reeves, Keanu "Woah, Dude!"
- Reeves, Vic
- Reid, Tara
- Reiner, Carl
- Reinhold, Judge
- Reynolds, Burt
- Reznor, Trent
- Rhymes, Busta
- Richard, Cliff
- Richard, Little
- Richard, Wendy
- Richards, Keith
- Riefenstahl, Leni
- Ritchie, Lionel
- Rivera, Geraldo
- Roberts, Doris
- Robson, Bobby
- Robson, Linda
- Rock, Chris
- Rock, Kid
- Rodman, Dennis
- Rogers, Kenny
- Romano, Ray
- Rooney, Mickey
- Ross, Diana
- Rowling, J K
- Russell, Jane
- Ryder, Shaun
- Ryder, Winona
- Sadler, Laura Died June 20th 2003
- Salinger, J D
- Sandler, Adam
- Saville, Sir Jimmy
- Schmelling, Max
- Schneider, Rob
- Schofield, Philip
- Schumacher, Michael
- Schumacher, Ralf
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold
- Score, Herb
- Self, Will
- Shand-Kydd, Frances
- Shankar, Ravi
- Sharif, Omar
- Sharon, Ariel
- Shaw, Suzanne
- Sheen, Charlie
- Sheene, Barry Died Mar 10th 2003
- Shipman, Harold "Doctor Death"
- Simone, Nina
- Simpson, O.J.
- Sisqo
- Slater, Christian
- Smith, Anna Nicole
- Smith, Cyril
- Smith, Delia (extra points for food poisoning)
- Smith, Dame Maggie
- Smith, Mel
- Snead, Sam Died May 24th 2002
- Sobers, Sir Gary
- Soong Mei-Ling
- Soul, David
- Souness, Graeme
- Spall, Timothy
- Spears, Britney
- Staley, Layne Died 21st April 2002
- Starr, Ringo
- Stevens, Shakin'
- Stewart, Jackie
- Stringfellow, Peter
- Stipe, Michael
- St Laurent, Yves
- Stone, Sharon
- Strange, Steve
- Strawberry, Daryl
- Strokes, The
- Struthers, Sally
- Stuart, Gloria
- Sugden, Mollie
- Suharto
- Sykes, Eric
- T, Mr
- Taylforth, Gillian
- Taylor, Courtney
- Taylor, Liz
- Thatcher, Denis Died June 26th 2003
- Thatcher, Baroness Margaret Bloody
- Thaw, John Died Feb 21st 2002
- Theakstone, Jamie "Bloody"
- Thornton, Billy Bob
- Thornton, Frank
- Thorpe, Jeremy
- Thurmond, Strom Died June 26th 2003
- Timberlake, Justin
- Took, Barry Died Mar 31st 2002
- Travolta, John
- Truman, "Firey" Fred
- Tugendthat, Lord Christopher
- Turbay, Gechan
- Turlington, Christy
- Turner, Anthea
- Turner, Tina
- Tutu, Desmond
- Twain, Shania
- Tyson, "Soft" Mike
- Usher
- Ustinov, Peter
- Vandross, Luther
- van Dyke, Dick
- van Halen, Eddie
- Vaughan, Johnny
- Vaughan, Peter "Genial Harry Grout"
- Vegas, Johnny
- Villeneuve, Jacques
- Vincent, Jan Michael
- Vonnegut, Kurt
- Vorderman, Carol
- Walker, Johnny
- Walker, Murray
- Waller, Rik "Pop Idol"
- Waterman, Pete
- Weiland, Scott
- Welch, Raquel
- Wessex, Duchess Sophie
- West, Timothy
- Westbrooke, Daniella
- White, Barry Died July 5th 2003
- White, Betty
- White, Jimmy
- White, Lucas
- Whiteley, Richard
- Whitfield, June
- Wiesenthal, Simon
- Wilder, Billy Died Mar 29th 2002
- Wilder, Gene
- Williams, Montel
- Williams, Robbie
- Williams, Ted Died Jul 5th 2002
- Wilson, Jocky
- Wilson, Richard "Victor Meldrew"
- Windsor, Barbara
- Winner, Michael
- Winslet, Kate
- Winters, Mike
- Wisdom, Sir Norman
- Wolstenholme, Kenneth Died Mar 26th 2002
- Wood, Keith
- Woods, Tiger
- Wray, Fay
- Wyman, Bill
- Xfm
- Yeltsin, Boris
- Young, Sir Jimmy
- Z, Jay
- Zevon, Warren Died Sept 7th 2003
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